17 June 2015

Infinite Song I am Addicted to

First of all, Marhaban ya Ramadhan. Welcome Ramadhan. I will practicing Shaum start from tomorrow. Please forgive all my mistakes and i hope you will have a good, great, Ramadhan.

My last Spring semester is finally end. Well, i am still on my final week but i just finish my last paper for this semester, so this is the end of my Spring semester yuhuuuu~
Mulai hari ini gue akan post tentang lagu, mungkin 10 atau lebih lagu dari idol group favorit gue. Lagu-lagu ini adalah lagu yang lo bakalan temui kalau pergi ke karaoke sama gue, atau naik mobil sama gue, atau sekedar mendengar gue humming atau nyanyi ga jelas secara random.

Dan di post pertama ini, tentu bias group yang paling lama yang pernah gue punya, gak labil, stay dari awal suka sampe sekarang, dari 2012 sampe ga tau kapan, Infinite. Woollim somehow gak pernah ngasih lagu jelek ke Infinite, bukan, bukannya gue bias, tapi gue kalo penyanyinya gue suka tapi lagunya meeeh, gue akan bilang gue ga suka. Contohnya? BigBang Bae Bae dan Bang Bang Bang, EXO Call me baby, dan lain-lain. Gue ga ngefans banget sama mereka, ga juga benci, cuma lagunya bukan style gue.

Back to Infinite. Mungkin beberapa lagu lo bakalan ga pernah denger kalo lo bukan Inspirit, karena ini lagu yg somehow didalem album dan bukan tittle song. Beberapa juga gue baru denger pas konser karena lagunya ga masuk ke playlist iPod, tapi ternyata oke. Ini juga ada beberapa lagu solo dan unit mereka yang akan gue masukin kesini. So here come the list.

In no particular order ofc!

Not a fans of KPOP Japanese song, but Dilemma is something! This genre is my fave tho..

Those strong electric guitar, beat, dance, their vocal, everything is just kill it! I watched the Korean version of Dilemma during their fanmeeting, but no, the Japanese version is so much better. But the dance, the dance, yeah Infinite dance, the dance is super B!

Sometimes i find it a bit strange, the song that Woohyun write hahaha, but 함께 (Together) is my go to song! 

Once again, i listen to this song live for the first time during fanmeeting. Somehow Woohyun sang this song while crying and smiling at the same times. The others smile proudly to the audience and i wonder why. After i really listen to the lyrics...... its beautiful, the lyrics is beautiful. The melody match well with the lyrics. And its easy to be remember. Watch out, i sing this song a lot everywhere nowadays hahahaha.

Another song that i jamming a lot, even cover, record it in my iPod hahaha no shame len no shame is With..

I hope its okay to put it here, if its not, just let me know, i'll delete it, since this is not the official video. They don't have the official MV for this sad slow ballad song. I always love how Woollim never really need to put some random rap part because their rapper is a super good singer. I love Hoya (uhuk bias uhuk) voice in this song.

Next song, maybe not a lot of people know about this song as well is 날개 (Wings) 

This video was taken during Summer Concert 2012. This is not a well known popular song of Infinite, oh and this video is the acoustic version. This song is so good live rather than in the audio.

I believe they promote this song during the first week of Back promotion, right? Diamond
The other lovely song during their Destiny promotion but without a MV is 엄마 (Mother)

This is just me or its normal to always fall for the side song? Hahahaha. Lets get into some mainstream song of Infinite shall we?
The one that i really really love and will always forever sing this song is dorawajo i want you Back Back Back Back Baaaaaack~

Song, dance, MV, everything is so damn good! No rap part, so what? They give Hoya and Dongwoo a lot of part still hahahaha. Even more than Sungyeol and Sungjong part, somehow i feel bad for them. The ending of this MV is remain unknow, you'd better give us the ending on the next comeback Woollim!
In the end of Last Romeo promotion period, Woollim release the follow up song which i also love the most but its such a hard song to be sing is 소나기 (Shower)

Again, this is not a title song of the album, so.. no MV. The vocal synchronization between Hoya and Sunggyu in the middle of rap part is everything. Make a sub-unit will you??

The problematic full of controversy song which i love the most is 불편한 진실 (Inconvenience Truth). I don't know why people being very angry about this song. If you read the lyrics, yes its about a woman showing off some skin, and how man love it, but hey, in the chorus part they actually tell woman not to do it because its dangerous. Yes the MV it self is a lil bit eeem funny? Hahahaha. No MV for this song, they only showed it during concert. And the stage for this song is so fun and fresh.

And this one song is DA BOMB! Tic Toc

Again, no MV. Tapi masih haruskah gue jelaskan ke kalian kenapa gue suka lagu ini?? Just play the video and listen to it. Explain everything!

Lets get some sub-unit and solo shall we?
I currently can't stop listening to Sunggyu new songs. Both of it. The whole album even. But if i have to pick my fave, it will be Kontrol and Daydream.

Since he has no MV for Daydream, so Kontrol for you! Hahahahaha. I actually cry when the album preview of this album comes out and he actually working with Tablo for this album! TABLO! Sorry, but i watched their very first reality show, which Tablo was still their mentor, it breaks me.

Meanwhile for Infinite H.. I love all of their song! Like really like it a lot! If i need to choose my favorite it will be 니가 없을 때 (Without u), Alone, 예뻐 (Pretty), and 바빠서 Sorry.

There is no reason not to like Infinite H. I know so many people, even man, that actually doesn't like Infinite but they are Infinite H fans. Even my male Korean and Indonesian friends. They genre and vocal are strong and good, they are best two dancer of Infinite as well. They can actually do good, with only two of them. They are a good singer, rapper, and dancer. And visually, good (??).

This is the end of my list. I can go and write for more than 30 if i keep going or i will just end up put all of Infinite song here hahahaha. But seriously, these songs are always stay in my playlist. Jamming to it. 

What i actually love the most about Infinite is.. mereka selalu nyanyi live dimanapun kapanpun. Music Show, showcase, festival, fanmeeting, konser, dimanapun. They are actually singer, not just like a visual idol. They are well known to have a great vocal ability and a great solitary dancer. Even among non inspirit, also well known as a very polite and humble idol. Uuuuuw me proud of you guys hahahaha.

So, whats your fave song? If you never know them, eeem maybe you can take some times and click one of the vids. 

See you in another post.

26 April 2015

Perk of being Me in Korea


Its been a super long time. Sorry. Asalnya mau ngepost banyak, eh semua nyangkut di draft. Harap dimaafkan yah. Keadaan sekarang ini, gue lagi super excited, karena in less than 5 months, i am gonna go home, for good. Bye Korea hehe. Tapi sebelum balik, masih harus menyelesaikan semester terakhir ini. Insyaallah hasilnya baik dan bisa lulus Agustus ini. Mohon doanya.

Dikarenakan sudah ada rencana untuk back for good inilah, gue mulai dengan semena-mena pengen beli ini itu. Segala mau ngelengkapin CD Infinite (maafin yah, saya fangirl :p), pengen beli baju-baju aneh yang kayaknya ga ada di Indo (sekalian disuruh beli baju lebaran sama mami), make up yang beberapa lebih murah, tas, sepatu, pengen nonton konser sampe puas, makan ini itu, dan lain sebagainya. Tapi duitnya ga memungkinkan, kesian haha. Lalu karena banyak mau inilah, gue menyadari, ada banyak hal yang gue ga bisa dapetin disini hanya karena gue orang Asia Tenggara dengan darah Belanda. Kenapa Asia Tenggara dan darah Belanda mempengaruhi ini semua? Okay, akan gue jelaskan melalui beberapa yang gue ga bisa dapet dengan bebas disini.

Its hard to find a clothes and shoes
Okay, gue mengakui, ini mungkin hanya gue. Karena gue overweight (i am not shame of this tho, its the truth, so chill!) dan gue juga lagi diet ala ala tapi berat badan ya gini-gini aja, eh jadi curhat hahaha. Jadi bentukan gue itu seperti ini..

Selama 22 tahun gue tinggal di Indonesia, gue ga pernah menemukan kesulitan untuk beli pakaian. Oh iya in addition, selain gue emang gemuk, karena ada gen Belanda yang ngalir kentel di darah gue, postur badan gue pun, western. Bahu bidang, dada (ehem) ada, pantat (lagi-lagi) ada, but its okay, di Indonesia, mereka provide baju untuk orang seperti gue. Meanwhile disini..

Gue ga mau menyalahkan atau ngejudge culture yang ada di Korea ini. So no offense. Gue hanya akan membicarakan fakta apa yang gue tau dan gue liat. As we know, Korea is one of the most homogenous country in the world. Mereka hanya punya satu ras dan satu bahasa. Itu kenapa mereka terlihat sama. Orang Korea, memang postur badannya kecil dan disini ada pandangan (correct me if i am wrong) kalau orang yg overweight itu jelek dan berarti dia ga bisa jaga dirinya. Well, yeah. Jadi bisa dibilang being overweight here is kinda wrong and socially unaccepted. Dan kalau kalian tau ukuran overweight di Korea itu, well kalau di Indonesia untuk berat badan segitu itu normal, di Korea, kalian overweight.

So, karena menurut mereka punya badan 'besar' itu salah, jadi mereka ga provide banyak barang dan kebutuhan untuk orang dengan postur badan seperti gue. As for example, HnM dan toko-toko franchise lainnya pun, mereka ga order ukuran besar. Jadi ukuran yg kalian bisa temui di Eropa dan Indonesia dan Amerika, disini mostly ga sampe segitu ukurannya. Begitu juga dengan sepatu, dengan lucunya di HnM dan Forever21 sini ukuran cuma sampe 39-40, baru-baru ini aja kayaknya di HnM masuk nomor 41, tapi itu juga ga banyak dan cepet habis.

Buat contoh lagi, jadi tadi gue abis nyari baju summer sama temen gue ke Hongdae, dan kita mampir ke local shop. Gue memang bisa pake kaos-kaos free sizenya Korea, but not with the dress dengan bahan bukan kaos. Jadi ini dress baik, semua pas, tapi bagian dada, kayak mau meledak. Kaboom!

Korea is the home of cheap but high quality make up brand, but not for me
I am pretty much okay, until i find out that i can't find the right color for my foundation. Its either too white or become grey when i use Korean product. So does the powder. Disclaimer, i am not trying to make Korean make up brand looks bad, they aren't, i am using it tho, but its only because no Korean have a dark skin color like me. Oke, gue ga gelap-gelap amat kulitnya. Coklat, sawo matang. Bahkan untuk ukuran orang Indonesia gue sangat normal, gak gelap, gak juga terang. And i freaking love my skin color! Gak pernah pengen punya kulit lebih putih dari ini.
Gue akhirnya usaha beli western make up brand, but....
They didn't provide my skin color either. Same reasons with the clothes one, they didn't order it. MAC provide it, and some other expensive make up brand like channel and stilla, but only in the department store. Gue udah kepikiran mau beli MAC tapi berhubung itu mahal, gue mau dapet yg bener-bener warna kulit gue, masalahnya adalah, gue ga bisa komunikasi banyak sama mbaknya. Nyerah.

Its hard to find an affordable bag
The struggle is real guys its real!!!!! Ini kegalauan gue dan teman-teman gue selama 5 bulan belakangan. Kalau di Indonesia, toko baju mesti pada jualan tas, dan kita bisa nemuin tas dengan harga terjangkau dengan model dan kualitas yg oke. Nah disini?? Gue sampe pernah nanya sama temen-temen korea gue, mereka kalo beli tas dimana.
Yang jual tas tuh banyak, tas imitasi ala ala gitu. Banyak. Murah juga. But i don't want it. Nah dari si tas mure mure ini langsung lari ke harga tanggung semacam 50.000won dengan kualitas yang meeeh. Abis itu langsung ke level MCM. Mak uang aku mak.

Sebenernya ada tas dengan harga 20.000-30.000won tapi... sejuta umat. Kalo gue bilang sejuta umat, ini bener-bener sejuta umat. Begitu lo main ke Hongdae, lo bisa ketemu sama puluhan orang yg pake tas sama kayak lo. Deal with it!

I am a food slave, but i can't eat all of that
PORK PORK PORK PORK PORK EVERYWHERE EVERYBODY! Hahahahaha. Buat yang bisa makan pork, this is your place, move here fast! Okay gue ga makan babi. Habis pekara.
BEER AND SOJU AND MAKGOLI AND AND ALL ALCOHOL DRINKS! I am not drinking alcohol either. Lagi-lagi habis pekara.

Diluar ini sebenernya banyak makanan menggoda selera dan iman lainnya tapi terkadang kita ga boleh pesen satu porsi alias kudu makan rame-rame. Sedangkan, gue dan teman-teman gue susah banget untuk mencapai konsensus dalam memilih makanan. Contohnya, gue pengen banget makan Somakchang atau Sogopchang atau Nakji atau Seafood, dan ini semua harus beli minimal 2 porsi dan di resto ini ya jualnya inian-inian aja. Nah temen deket gue yang satu ga doyan seafood dan yang satu lagi ga doyan isi perut sapi. Nah bubar. Kita selalu makan ayam, atau marugame yang di Indonesia banyak.

Sama juga kayak mau makan bingsu atau kueh-kueh unyu. Ga bisa dimakan sendirian. Huhu huhu huhu.

Jadi ini yang begini ini yang bikin "kadang disini saya merasa sedih" ala anak Asia Tenggara yang hidup di korea (well, it might be only me who feels this way) but yeah..

I am really looking forward to go back home and enjoying everything. But still, its nice to get out from my comfort zone for a while huh? Hehehehehe..

Love yaaaa..

27 March 2015

I decided to go home after graduation

This is a really big issue for me nowadays. What i gonna do after graduation? Like what I really wanna do. 

One side of me wants to stay here and try to find a job, or at least an internship here. But my other parts wants to go back home directly and try to find it in Indonesia. 

One thing to be exact, i never have any intention to live here, in Seoul, South Korea for a long time. Even if i decided to searching for job and internship here, or even if i really get a job here, i will go back to Indonesia after 1 or 2 years. So i am gonna be back home no matter what. Just about the time.

But something really hit me. I find some difficulties after 2 years living in this beautiful country. I am a moslem, and i am trying hard to fulfill my responsibility as moslem. I eat no pork (as far as i know and i understand), drinks no alcohol, praying and everything. I really try my best, but living in the country as a minority make it really hard for me to really do what my religion told me to. This is the first point.

Second. I have a responsibility as the oldest daughter in my family to started to take care of my parents. They are getting old. And how can i take care of them if i am 7 hours away by airplane? I also need to give more opportunity to my lil brother. This is the time when my parents need to give their attention to my brother more. I never studying Confucianism nor believing it but i know for sure that i need to take care of my parents.

Third. I also think that i need to catch up with my whole big family and my closest friends. Let me tell you, its really sucks to miss the happy moments of your family and friends. While i live in Korea, some of closest friends getting marriage, giving birth, engaged, my nephew growing up really fast that he can walk and talk now, and i know nothing about this.

I am such a very very family oriented person. I can give up everything for my family. This is the main reason why i consider to go back home directly after graduation.

I hope everything will be okay. I hope. And i will see you guys in Indonesia during this summer vacation and i'll be move to Indonesia this September.

I can't wait to be back!


Its March, its freezing

Hey, its March already. The end of March to be exact. But whats with the weather??

We have a sarcastic jokes here..

Wow, its Spring!!! (But the smoke comes out from our mouth)
This might be one of the side effect of global warming, climate change, environmental destruction issues.
But seriously, where is my warm sunshine?? I miss you :'(

03 March 2015

I am back, i still alive~

Kemarin sempet ada wacana gitu kan mau nulis banyak during Summer break, but guess who is the lazy girl?? ME! Bahkan Winter break udah lewat and Spring semester already begin but still no post hahahahahaha.

My last post was.... November? Damn its already 3 months ago.
I am gonna post now. Yes i will.

Wait for me!