31 January 2009

what would you do ?

what would you do if you have a problem that you can't share with anybody ?
gw lagi bingung sebingung-bingungnyaa,
i have some problem that i can't share to anybody else
even with my mom and my daddy
but i'm not pregnant if you think about it, it is not huh !

gw si mau aja share
tp gw terlalu takut untuk share
entahlah, gw ngga bisa aja
gw takut setakut-takutnya
karena ini masalah gw dengan diri gw sendiri !!
so what do i do ??


26 January 2009

well thats weird

first able i would like to say HAPPY BRTHDAY for my lovely friends RIA
well, finally you turn 17th now
i hope you will be stronger than before and not crying anymore
otherwise i feel so so tired today
its a long day you know

today i feel that i miss my elementary school so bad
maybe it just because i met some of them at facebook
and i just met two of them at my friends brthday party
hmm, i don't know
i just want to meet all of them as soon as possible
maybe at the end of June like they said
but just maybe

i'm so lazy to do anything event than i have to study for math
but i'm so lazy
so what can i do ?


25 January 2009

my deepest feeling !

oke , today i'm on the top of my bad mood
this is the only one place that i can write everything i want
so let me start

1. I'm just feel very tired with my daily life
2. I'm very disappointed with some one whom i really trust to !

Untuk point yang pertama
gw ngerasa aja kalo semua kejadian tuh berulang setiap minggunya
senen gw sibuk dengan males karena hari pertama sekolah
selasa gw dengan melapangkan dada harus les di GO dan pulang jam setengah 9
rabu it's free but gw baru pulang sekolah jam 3 and it useless
kamis lagi lagi lagi pulang sekolah gw haru GO
jumat pagi udah ketemu dengan BRB dan gw harus menabahkan hati + OR + GO sampe jam setengah 9
sabtu lagi lagi gw GO sampe jam 3
minggu ? i have no power to do anything !
so, kalo lo jadi gw apa yang lo rasakan ??

Untuk point kedua
gw bingung dan selalu bingung dengan jalan pikiran orang lain
apalagi orang yang pikirannya selalu aneh dan gak masuk akal, dan hanya membuat gw geleng-geleng kepala kalo dengerin dia ngomong karena ga make sense
everything, ga pernah masuk akal apa yg dia omongin !
dia sombongnya bukan main, bangga akan hal-hal yg sebenernya sepele
mungkin itu yang buat dia ngga pernah sukses dalam segi apapun
and the one thing i hate the most is she always follow what i do, yeah followers
can you belive that ?
pikirannya tuh selalu aneh dan ngga pernah praktis
sangat egois dan ngga peduli akan orang lain walaupun itu adalah temannya !
what do you think hah ?
i'm feel tired with that ( stupid ) person
i'm totally down

so if you always see i'm smiling, i'm always happy and cheerfull outside, thats not what i feel inside. I'm really really hopeless with my own life


17 January 2009

full schedule of mine !

hell-o fellas
i'm back to my blog
hehehhee ..

now i feel so tired
because of what ?
gw sekarang les di GO lebih intens dari biasanya
selasa kamis jumat sabtu
so, no time to write on my blog,
so i'm really sorry !

jadwal gw penuh bgt sekarang-karang gini
yah ampun
minggu depan gw udah harus UHT-1
terus UHT-2
terus abis itu UAS
terus UP
terus SIMAK
terus USM
terus UAN
oh my God
teganya teganya teganyaaa ...

14 January 2009

i love this song much, enjoy it !

YEAR 3000
Jonas Brothers

One day when I came home at lunchtime,
I heard a funny noise.
Went out to the back yard to find out if it was,
One of those rowdy boys.
Stood there with my neighbor called Peter
And a Flux Capacitor.
He told me he built a time machine.
Like one in a film I've seen,

Yeah yeah... he said...I've been to the year 3000
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (is doing fine).

He took me to the future in the flux thing,
and I saw everything.
Boy bands, and another one and another one ... and another one!
Girls there with round hair like Star Wars float above the floor
We drove around in a time machine,
Like the one in the film I've seen..
Yeah yeah... he said...He said,

reff :
I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water,
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (is doing fine).

I took a ship to the year 3000.
This song had gone multi-platinum.
Everybody bought our 7th album.
It had outsold Kelly Clarkson.

I took a ship to the year 3000.
This song had gone multi-platinum.
Everybody bought our 7th album, 7th album, 7th album.

He told me he built a time machine.
Like the one in a film I've seen,
Yeah yeah...I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (is doing fine).
He said, I've been to the year 3000.
Not much has changed but they lived under water.
And your great great great grand daughter,
Is doing fine (is doing fine).

why i love it ?
coba aja lo artiin, artinya simpel bgt tapi lumayan bermakna
terus iramanya juga easy listening
yang nyanyi juga ganteng !
hahahahhaaa ..

12 January 2009

it's not a good day

there's a lot of thing made my day not good enough .
yahh, banyak aja dah yg bikin mood gw down banget sampai ke dasar !
ada hal yg ngga gw harapkan terjadi tapi malah terjadi (bad)
ada hal yg gw harapkan terjadi dan justru ngga terjadi
ada yg melakukan hal bodoh yang sangat bodohnya hingga membuat gw ingin membuang si 'orang' tersebut ke lautan luas !
emang gw udah ada feeling kalo hari ini ngga akan bagus
mulai dari upacara bendera sambil hujan-hujanan, sekali lagi gw ulangi "UJAN-UJANAN"
what a stupid idea, gw binguuuuunnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg sekali
kenapa juga ya, udah tau mendung bgt, becek masi juga upacara
maksa bgt gitu kesannya !

in the other side,
gw sedang menunggu banget datangnya tanggal 31 Januari
saat dimana breaking dawn terbit
oh gosh, gw udah order karena katanya gramedia nerbitinnya terbatas
hehehhheheheeee ....

gw deg-degan sangat,
masa iya minggu depan gw ulangan
masa iya februari gw UAS
masa iya maret UP
yang bener aja, gw masih merasa persiapan gw hanya 50%
dan semuanya udah didepan mata

yah yah
i got to do something right now
so i gotta go

see yoa in next post


11 January 2009

kebohongan dan fakta

semua orang pasti pernahkan ngerasa dibohongin, well thats what i feel right now
saat orang yg lo percaya ternyata ngga mempercayai lo
saat orang tersebut seolah-olah tidak menginginkan lo dan tidak menganggap lo ada
disitu perasaan lo bener-bener terasa sakit kan !
bingung apa yg harus dilakukan, dan gw speechless pada saat itu

ada kalanya gw berfikir
mungkin justru lebih baik gw ngga tau sama sekali apa yg terjadi
daripada tau tapi melalui orang lain
itu lebih sakit loh, percaya deh sama gw
pada saat seorang temen gw menelpon dan mengatakan semuanya, gw hanya bisa termenung dan diam
ngga ada satu katapun bisa terucap dari mulut gw
sampai akhirnya gw bisa mengucapkan sesuatu dan itu adalah sebuah makian !

makian itu terus terlontar hingga akhirnya gw kembali diam
hati gw sakit bgt dengernya
seakan-akan gw begitu hina hingga tidak bisa dipercaya

buat gw, sangat sulit menyembuhkan sakit hati dari si orang tsb
karena kepercayaan bukanlah suatu hal yg mudah untuk didapat
gimana gw mau percaya sama dia kalo dia aja ngga percaya sama gw
satu kali aja orang menyakiti hati gw, gw akan terus ingat sampai kapan pun
karena gw ngga akan menyakiti hati orang kecuali dia yang memulai
lo bisa buktiin itu !

thanks yah untuk sekedar membaca apa yg udah gw rasakan
sedikit lega lah hati gw sekarang !
i will post something happier next ok !!


10 January 2009

time to study hard for XII grade :)

hell-o hell-o everyone
sekarang kita sudah memasuki semester genap atau 2 (atau semester 6 buat gw) it means time to STUDY REALLY REALLY HARD guys .
why ?
i tell you why, at the end of January i have to pass my first exam on semester 2
and then in February i have to face my second exam and final school exam
and then i have to face USM ITB at March and then,
i have to face my national examination in the middle of April
what a full schedule huh,

ready or not, i must ready right
so i'm studying at GO more and more
4 days a week, wounder full huh !

beberapa kabar baik juga udah gw denger tentang UAN
dimana nilai rata-rata harus 5,5 dan nilai pr mata pelajaran minimal 4,5
terus boleh ada 2 nilai 4,0 asalkan yg lainnya bisa menutupi
UANnya sendiri berlangsung 5 hari
dimana di hari pertama ada 2 pelajaran yaitu matematika dan well bahasa Indonesia

jadi buat seluruh anak kelas 12 bisa sedikit bernafas lega lah ya
walaupun tetep aja deg-degan dan nervous kayak gw
you know what, sangking stress nya gw sampe sakit dan ngga kunjung sembuh
so, wish me get well soon ok !

em, hari ini seharusnya sih gw GO tapi karena sakit tersebut akhirnya gw ga GO
yah ini lah yg gw takutkan, KECAPEAN !
yah yah yah
jd sekarangan gw GO hari selasa, kamis, jumat, sabtu
well well well
jadwal padat otak panas masuk ITB aminnn

gw sangat ingin masuk SBM ITB
doakan gw yah teman2 semua

oh iya gw juga mau minta maaf kalo gw ada salah
supaya ujian gw lancar semua tanpa ada yg dendam sama gw

so, thats a short story of my daily life for today
i wish i can post the new one tommorow

gotta go now
c u


09 January 2009

i do love my best friends !

gw baru sadar sekarang, selama ini semangat gw ke sekolah karena gw tau ada sahabat gw yang udah nunggu gw di sana .
setiap hari gw selalu berbagi semua hal sama mereka, baik suka, duka, gossip, canda, tawa, tangis dan semua hal yang kita rasakann
dan gw merasa amat sangat beruntung punya mereka !
for my lovely oki, sabar yah sayang. Gw yakin Allah akan kasih yang terbaik buat lo oke ! hehehee we always here beside you, don't worry !!


05 January 2009

we HAVE to school again !

good morning, now you have prepare to go to school
i just can said "oh, what ever mom"
holiday spirit still in my mind, yeah it still stay until now
and you know what, i have to face the first
tryout TOMORROW !
what do you thinking bout that ?
well, i think I'm going crazy with this education system
it just not make sense if you back to school from your holiday and you have to face the
national examination tryout the day after that .
OMG, what do you think they all thinking ?
we just refresh our mind from all the exam and they just doing an exam the day after we

shoooottt ..
well the government made the new rules about time to school must begins the activities at 6.30 not 6.45 ...
woaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!
that's so bad huh, we all have to go to school at maybe 5.45 (for me because my home not too far from school) and unfortunately my dear friends Ana have to go to school at 5.15
well, I'm still on the bathroom on that time.
that's not a good idea dear our lovely governments because you can't decrease the traffic jam by that way.
it still happen and it happen earlier because we have to go to school earlier to

i will get my report card at hmmmmm... Thursday hahahhaaa,
and I'm very nervous about that, that's not good enough i know it
so mom dad, sorry OK
hehehehehheeeee i know you guys mustn't be proud of me (hikss, I'm really sorry, i do mom)
I'm not that smart and I'm also lazy stupid girl to
i will chance it, PROMISE
because i want to pass the final exam to
the good news is maybe i will get the (not) holiday for the second time this weekand
it just MAYBE OK

thats all my story for today
have a good time and good sleep to
and remember to always smile to anyone around you ok

love you,