Its finally December, hip hip hurray!!
Now i'm craving for a holiday trip, my father promise me that we will going to somewhere in January, yey, i hope it will be fun. I will share to you later when i'm really going somewhere and also the result. Anyhow..
Dalam hidup gue yang sudah menginjak usia ke-20 ini, belum banyak negara dan kota yang berhasil gue kunjungi. Yeah poor me. My parents doesn't like to have a trip oversees, so most of oversees trip was with my friends. My parents also concerned about my education a lot, so most of the trip also for education, not holiday. Kalau mau dihitung-hitung, negara yang berhasil gue datangi, heem let see:
1. Singapore

Singapore Trip
Ini negara pertama yang gue datangi setelah dengan sukses bikin passport hehe. Well, ngapain dan dengan siapa ke Singapore? Gue ke Singapore bukan dalam rangka berbelanja or holiday trip, no no no. I was there for joining twinning and immersion sister school program between 71 Senior High School (My School) and Nanyang Junior Collage (NYJC), so, this is an educational trip with home staying, buddy program, and sit in with the Singaporean students in NYJC. Actually, its fun and interesting because i'm going oversees for the first time and without my parents, hehehe, fun fun.
Kalau ga salah inget, pergi ke Singapore utuk pertama kali ini di bulan, heeem Agustus tahun eeeem berapa yah? Pokoknya gue kelas satu naik ke kelas 2 SMA saat itu, masih 16 tahun, berarti sekitar 2007 lah ya hehe.
Kemana aja di Singapore? Well, because this is an education trip, first of all, we're staying at Lucky Plaza apartment and luckily it was in Orchard Road so my friends and i can shopping whenever we want yahoo. Then, we're of course going to NYJC for studying, observing, and also having fun, then we're going to west coast beach and doing BBQ party as welcoming reception, then i'm home staying in my home stay buddy house that very far away from Orchard, it's near to the beach hehe, we're also going to the Science Center, Merlion, Sentosa Island, lots of Mall, National University of Singapore, Chong Hwa Middle School, Singapore Indonesian School, NTU, and one other high school in Singapore which lots of Indonesian students was studying there but i'm really sorry that i can't remember the name.
2. Malaysia

Still in the same trip, from Singapore we're going to Malaysia. Em, i think i already tell a story about this trip before in the very old posting. Actually i don't really remember the place that we're going to in Malaysia, because all of us (22 students and 4 teacher) are very tired from a week trip in Singapore and we have to stay about 4 days in Malaysia. As far as i remember, we're going to Genting Highland and having so much fun hihi. Marlin, Dea, Zena, Ferny, and i going to the ice house and having fun with the slide and other stuff, and we're taking a pic hehe. We also going to an Islamic University there, and lots of tourist place. We're also going to a super massive mall that i can't remember the name hehe (i'm sorry for my short term memory) and also eating in a very cozy place at night.
3. Saudi Arabia

For Saudi Arabia, my family and i have a religious trip. We're going to Umroh to Mecca and also Madina. Now, i miss those two place the most, i miss the atmosphere, the situation, the religious people from all around the world, the food, the people, everything. Some day, i promise you that i'll be back with my husband, i promise :)
4. South Korea

South Korea, best country i ever visiting wohooo. This country was so amazing. Actually i came to Korea for HPAIR (look at the HPAIR post) with Katherin and Ronny and the other ITB students. But i extend my trip for holiday in the middle of collage live fufufu~.
Since i was in Seoul once and i'm currently becoming Korean freaks, i really really really want to come back to Korea once more and waiting in front of JYP Entertainment office until 2PM, 2AM, or MissA members come out hehehe. No no, the main reason why i really want to go back to Korea is because this country is very lovable. 10 days was not enough to explore this country.
Then, after visiting those 4 icredable country, i hope i can visiting more and more. Next semester, some of my friends and i will take the Cross Cultural and Conflict Management course and our seniors said that the final exam will take place oversees yuhuu hehehe. They said that the las CCCM class final exam was in Singapore, but there's a rumors that next semester will take place in Korea, who knows huh? So, we already set a trip if it taking place in Singapore, we will extend it to Thailand :)
This is my target for next year trip:
1. Thailand
2. Korea (again)
3. Japan
4. Paris
5. Swis
6. Stanford
7. Australia
Please please please pray for me so i can reach my target hihi.
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