31 January 2013


This young little girl has a very weak heart. She cannot stay angry and mad with one person for a long time. She will immediately forget that she was mad and angry even before she realized that she was angry. She also will easily forget what she angry about.

She has a very weak heart. She cannot have a grudge to another person. She will feel bad about that. She believed that karma will take its part when the time is right. She knows that her God will always be with her and help her trough all of that bad situation and person, so she will never have a grudge to someone.

Its maybe good for someone else to have her as their friends, she always cheer and happy (at the outside). She never ever want to let everyone knows when she was sad or angry. She don’t want anybody to pity her or look down to her, she just keep it by herself.

Once, her very best friend told her that she still can’t read her mind even they both know the facts that they be friends for more than ten years already. Her best friends still not sure, are when she smile outside she really smile and happy from the inside or she was crying, sad, and angry at the inside? Or, are when she was crying at the outside she really feel sad from the inside or she just feeling happy and glad at the inside? Her friend is really confused and still don’t know how to read her mind.

So, she can’t open her mind and heart that easy to another person? Or she just can’t trust another person? No, she once trusts a person, but that person just throws it away. Now, she is not ready for trust another person yet, maybe.

Wow, she is crying, she is feel bad about something, isn't she? No, she just was feeling mad, really really mad that she can’t handle it, she also feeling betrayed and maybe disappointed with something. This silly girl doesn't know how to express her feeling and frustration to another person in the good manner. So, she keeps it by herself and explodes.

You know what, I really hate this girl. She just not matured yet. Even she’s old enough to be mature.


(forget the grammar, i'm so mad to even thing about that)

27 January 2013

Terima Kasih

Pertama saya mau ucapkan terima kasih untuk semua yang membaca blog saya, karena pertengahan bulan lalu, jumah pengunjung blog saya mencapai angka 10.000 whoaaaa, thank you. Semoga saya yang masih banyak belajar ini bisa memberikan informasi dan fakta-fakta yang berguna untuk semua.

Terussss, saya mau punten minta izin untuk banyak posting menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dan kebanyakan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia yang nyeleneh dan tidak baku. Selain itu, mau menegaskan aja, bahwa ini bukan blog tentang KPop, bukan (walaupun saya memang sangat menyukai KPop). Blog ini banyak diisi dengan hal-hal berbau KPop hanya karena itu adalah hal yang paling dekat dengan saya saat ini. Jadi harap maklum.

Sekali lagi, i would like to say thank you for all the readers of my blog. I hope you like my blog and get the inspiration and information from it.

Thank You,

06 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Lots of things happen in 2012 and just let it go and save it as our past, we can't change the past right?
Luckily the rumors about dooms day is not true, and we're still alive yeaaa!

For me, 2012 been the really busy and teary years. I lost my grandpa and a lot of sad story happened in 2012, but we have to move on, aren't we? 

I finished my study in 2012 YEAY! With a lot of difficulties and human error, also a lot of tears and spending some night not sleeping at all to do the revision. Gather a lot of energy and mental to meet my super visor. Doing research with a lot of help from my collages and friends out there. Pretty thank you for all of you. Love you like crazy. I also have to move from Bandung back to Indonsian capital city with the traffic jam called Jakarta, leave my comfort zone, my friends, lovely dormy, and my lovely place called Bandung Institute of Technology. 

In 2012, i also travelling a lot. This year is the first time in my life to visit Thailand. Whohoooo. Its really fun to exploring the new friends with your best friend. Actually this trip is for academic purpose but yeaaaa you know lah. In the beginning of the year i also do some trip to Singapore with my family. Maybe this is my second time to Singapore, but i'm very exited because this time i come with my family not my friends. Not only internationally but nationally i also exploring the new city of Indonesia which is Cilacap. Cilacap is really far from Jakarta. It takes about 9 hours by car, fiyuuuh.

2012 its been a really great year, fun, full of new experience, a lot of new things, and full of tears for me. Thank you for all the people who helped me through my 2012 life. 

Lets welcome 2013 together guys!!
I wish this year will be better than 2012.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
