30 November 2013

Update dari Ranah Per-fangirl-an


Selain kangen sama travelling partner, gue juga kangen sama partner konser sepanjang masa gue... Maya gue butuh lu may disini maaaaay toloooooongggggg!!! Gue selalu bagaikan anak ayam tersesat ditengah setiap konsernya. Kalau di Indonesia biasa ngefangirl rame-rame, nonton konser rame-rame atau paling ngga ya berdua lah, sekarang? Na honja konseuteu pwasoyo hiks kesian.

Sebenernya karena gue sudah memindahkan kegilaan gue sama KPOP ke tumblr (bisa di cek disini) jadi semacam ga update lagi di blog ini, tapi kali ini pengen update (gak konsisten) tapi versi dirangkum aja. Intinya ini kejadian dalam dunia perfangirlan selama sudah kurang lebih 3 bulan gue disini.

Sky Festival Kpop Concert (Inkigayo) 
14 September 2013
Ini yang pertama dan agak tragis sih kata gue haha. Acaranya di emmmmmmmm, Incheon Airport. Jadi disana tiba-tiba ada panggung haha. Gue sejujurnya clueless banget sama acara ini, gue cuma tau kalo ada BTOB dan karena gue belom pernah liat BTOB jadi gue semangat banget, dan acara ini free dan mereka memfasilitasi foreigner (YES!).


Gue emang paling odong sedunia, begitu sampe disana gue baru tau kalo ini adalah inkigayo. Gue yang tadinya cuma tau oh ada BTOB akhirnya shock karena ada buanyak buanget artisnya. Sejujurnya yang kecil-kecil gue ga inget tapi yang gue inget ada BTOB (iya iya), BAP, FTIsland, Beast, Tasty, EXO-K, Girl's Day, BTS, SunMi, eeeemmmm, sisanya lupa, tapi sumpahan banyak. Gue udah pernah ngomongin ini di tumblr kalo ga salah, jd kalau kepo silakan di cekidot tumblr gue.

Tempat ngantri yang mirip sawah

Kondisi hari itu gak kalah tragisnya kok. Hujan badai becek menyek, tempat ngantrinya persis sawah atau rawa-rawa. Sepatu gue yang ungu warnanya ganti jadi coklat. Hiks sedih. Tapi, alhamdulillah wasyukurillah disana ketemu sama duo dari Indonesia, Bintang dan Alin. Udah aja selama acara tigan kayak kembar dempet hahaha.

Me, Bintang, dan Alin

G-Dragon Inkigayo Pre Recording
7 September 2013
Ini nih, emang jodoh rasanya sama Inkigayo. Alkisah hari itu gue sama Loise abis pergi main ke Sinchon, pulang udah agak malem jam 8an, baru sampe ke dorm Loise nelpon panik ngasih tau kalo GD bakalan pre-recording jam 9 malem dan butuh 1000 orang di Inkigayo, men, MEN. Pre recordingnya jam 9 dan jam 8 malem gue baru sampe dorm.
Setelah gue bilang "iya ayok gue temenin, udahlah nothing to lose aja" gue gedabrukan ke kamar narok belanjaan ganti baju terus lari ke grebang depan ketemu sama Loise yang juga ngos-ngosan lari dari kosannya. 
Masalah dimulai, gue dan Loise sama-sama no idea dimana tempat pre recordingnya, cuma tau C&J building, SBS, but we don't know where the hell it is. Dengan panik udah jam 8.30 berbekal google maps seadanya kita naik taksi dan alhamdulillah drivernya ngerti dan tau tempat yang kita tuju. Di taksi gue sama Loise ricuh pokoknya semacem yaudah pokoknya kalo sampe sana ga bisa masuk no hurt feeling ya, kita jalan-jalan ya, cuek ya, dll. Sampe akhirnya ngobrol kocak sama supir taksi dengan bahasa korea ala kadarnya.
Sampe disana ga keliatan ada antrian sama sekali, gue sama Loise udah pasrah, mau buka maps nyari station terdekat ada dimana sampe akhirnya kita ngelongok ke dalem gedung dan ada antrian pendek. Nekat. Masuk. Ngantri. Baru nanya haha "Ige G-Dragon pre recording, kecho?" ke bocah-bocah yang lagi pada antri, dan mereka ngangguk dan mengiyakan. YES! Tapi tunggu ini kenapa antrian cuma segini....
Dan ga ada 1 menit setelahnya kita masuk ke studio, gue dan Loise bengong, selama pre recording bengong, mulut nganga muka bego. No photo, bahkan semua HP kudu masuk tas dan semua tas kudu masuk ke kolong kursi. Arasso!

Gangnam Hanryu Festival 2013
6 Oktober 2013
Ini gonjang ganjingnya heboh banget bahkan di kampus. Beberapa temen dari China berencana buat nginep, dan ngajak gue dan dengan tegas gue bilang tidak hahaha. Venuenya tepat di depan COEX building di Gangnam. Acara ini ada 3 artisnya Infinite, EXO, dan Girls Day. Tapi ternyata sebelom mulai ada beberapa penyanyi kontestan Superstar K sama idol group yang baru debut. 

The stage from where i stand with full zoom

Nothing special sih, gue nonton dari pinggir jalan karena muak ngantri ga jelas dilempar sana lempar sini, sectionnya di belakang lah, mendingan gue nonton dari pinggir jalan lebih jelas, ga pake ngantri, dan bisa sambil piknik. 

Partner kejahatan
Debby - Me - Hami (Roommate) - Felis - Gery Eonni

Dari pinggir jalan sedeket ini, ga ada penghalang, yaudahlahyaaaa~

International/Cultural Festival (Sorry i forgot the name)
13 Oktober 2013
Ini salah satu acara random yang gue hadiri lagi cuma karena ada BTOB dan gratis hahaha. Disana sebelum acara mulai ketemu sama beberapa ibu-ibu Indonesia yang tinggal di Korea karena suaminya orang Korea, atau karena suaminya kerja di Korea. Pokoknya mereka orang Indonesia, mereka ibu-ibu, dan mereka tinggal di Korea hahaha. Ternyata sebelom acara mulai BTS ada fansign, ditempat yang sama dengan antrian yang....................................................................... udah ga usah dibayangin yah, sakitlah pokoknya.



Acaranya kocak, karena pas gue sampe (gue sampe telat banget semacam satu jam sebelom acara mulai, karena gue ada urusan) ada antrian buat masuk yang super panjang banget, dan gue udah yang yaudah gue sama tante-tante ini aja, toh dari belakang sini keliatan karena penontonnya duduk di bawak (iya beneran duduk dan ga ada yg berdiri sampe acara abis). Tetiba ada pengumuman dalam bahasa korea yang gue ga ngerti dan semua orang berlarian terus tante-tante itu "sana kamu ikutan lari" dan reflek gue ikutan lari, ternyata akhirnya semua orang bisa masuk dr mana aja (karena emang cuma dibatesin tali, dibatesin tali doang ga dijaga aja orang ga ada yg nerobos masuk loh!). Yaudahdeeeeeh gue dapet di depan hahahaha.
Jadi hari itu selain ada idol ada juga penampilan dari perwakilan negara-negara lain (ada Indonesia juga!!). Idolnya, yang gue inget haha ada BTOB (tentu), BTS, Block B, T-Ara, satu girlgroup baru yang featuring sama member T-ara yang kelahiran 99, dan IU

VIXX First Show Case Final in Seoul "Milky Way"
17 November 2013
Thank God i got the ticket for this show, thanks God. Ini bener-bener perjuangan beli tiketnya karena websitenya oksyen ga ada bahasa inggrisnya (iya gue masih susah baca hangeul). Ini pertama dan satu-satunya acara KPOP yang pake bayar yang gue datengin. Harganya mure cuma 22000won sekitar 250000 rupiah kali ya. Venuenya oke dan penontonnya??? Sejuta jempol (semua orang dalem venue ayo bantu gue angkat jempol).  Terus VIXXnya................................................................................................................. nangis bangetlah pokoknya. 

Eh ada imo jadi figuran haha

Pokoknya ini showcase edisi puas dan bengong, yup sampe abis gue mangap sampe dikomentarin sama orang sebelah gue. Anyway, orang yang duduk di sebelah gue super baik sih, dia bawa minum nawarin gue, makan chicki nawarin gue, ngajak gue ngobrol, sabar banget nunggu gue mikir kalo mau jawab omongan dia, sini eonni (gue cukup yakin dia lebih tua dari gue) aku peluk. Tapi sebaik-baiknya dia, dia ngetawain gue pas gue mangap haha, oh iya dia juga bantuin gue mengerti omongan si N yang secepat KTX.

Gomawoyong random starlight mau fotoin :*

Gue super seneng sampai di satu titik gue ga sempet beli lightstick dan kalender titipan nifa. Kesel banget beberapa meter lagi padahal, lalu tokonya tutup gara-gara udah open gate. Terus gue cukup membeku untuk ngantri lagi pas pulangnya. Untung aja ternyata toko langganan jual official towelnya VIXX. Hiks toko langganan, aku pada mu~.

Baru segitu pengalaman gue wara wiri di dunia per konser dan acara musikan, belom cukup berani untuk ngantri bareng fandom untuk bisa masuk music show dan gak punya nyali untuk face to face sama idol di fansign. Nanti kalo mereka liat muka gue gimana?? (ini alasan macam apa).

Gue akan update perfangirlan berikutnya kalau gue sudah mendapatkan pengalaman baru huhu. Stay tune!!


28 November 2013

The Day When I Miss My Cat So Much!

So, today, Fifi and I made an appointment. Since both of us are cat slave (who do anything for cat), we decided to go to cat cafe! Cat cafe is very famous in Korea. Not only Cat cafe, there are also dog cafe and even sheep cafe. 

For today trip, we made a research and try to find an information about where is the cat cafe located. Actually, there are so many cat cafe in Seoul. I find some in Idae, Myeongdong, and Hongdae. And ah there also some in Gangnam, but since Idae is the nearest, we decided to went there. 

And as soon as we arrive, 3 cats come to my foot and meowing wants me to pet their head, oh sweet. Okay, the rules in cat cafe is like this:
1. Put your shoes in the shoe rack and use the sandals they provide 
2. You buy one drink for 7000 won and play with the cat as long as you want
3. Don't carrying the cat
4. Don't force them to do anything
5. Don't force them to sit in your lap except if they jump to your lap by their self
6. You can borrow the cats toys from the cafe and buy 'em a snack if you want

So, i buy a glass of hot lemon tea while Fifi buy a glass of iced americano. Then.... here we come. At first, its only two of us and the cats for like em 30minutes, but then 4 high school students come and joint us. Its really fun, i was playing so hard with the cats. You can even sit in the floor and lay down if you want. Some of the cats jump into my lap directly, omaygad, i am so happy!!

Here is the pic for you!

Mr. Grumpy which really like to sit in our table

The lazy one, just sleeping all day long

The cutest and calm one 

Here is the cat name and profile

Both of them didn't go down until i left ㅠㅠ

I really adore this one, big and fluffy~

Mr. I Am The King

Let me in look huh??

It just jump to my lap directly when i sit down on my chair

Will you come to my dorm and live with me???

So, this one is in Idae (Ewha Daehakyo) area, right in front of Starbucks, if you come from Idae station, its on your left in 3rd floor. Have fun with the cats!

21 November 2013

Dream? What is your dream?

This posting might be a little bit heavy, but i need to write this because i think this is very important and i need to share it with all of you guys. I really enjoying this lecture because 2 days before it i am talking about this dream things with my friends. So, enjoy it.

In November 20, there is a guest lecture in my Economic Analysis class and actually the lecture was not about the economy at all but its really inspiring. The guest lecture was Professor Cho Dong Sung, he was getting his Ph.D degree from Harvard and working as a Professor in SNU, now he is in his last year of working and will be retired next February. 

He is such a great motivator, at least for me. His lecture was really give an insight for my and my life, and it makes me thinking once again about my dream and what i want to become in the future, because no one know how future will be look like. 

He started his lecture by asking us what we want to be in the future, and he explain about Ph.D program, the benefit of it, how to get it, and how hard it is. He is a very funny person, really, i adore him. After that he started to talking about the trend. Nowadays, young people tend to get their Ph.D degree because we expected to be live until 100years old and that's why we willing to give 1/3 of our live time to study. He also told us that 9 from 10 of his Ph.D students is female so don't be surprise if in the future most of the professor will be female. 

There are 6 things he mention in order to finish your Ph.D program successfully (take a note that he finish his Ph.D program only in 3 years). There are:
  1. Hardworking
  2. Ideas
  3. Supervisor
  4. Thesis Topic
  5. Methodology
  6. School
Its quite funny for me because he is really honest, he really talking about all the fact he knows even when somehow its awkward. He said that its important to choose the right supervisor, cause sometimes there is a supervisor who had the bad experience in the past when he/she in their Ph.D program and they tend to give a hard time, as hard as his/her experience to their students. Wow.

After that, he was talking about dream. He even talking about the suicide issue in Korea. He said that university students doing that because they don't want to lose their face in front of the others and the easiest way is to end their life. Such a pity. He said its because students in Korea doesn't has a dream, they only doing what their parents want them to do. 

Professor than categorize people into four group:
- People who are really sure about their dream
- People who know their dream but they think it might change in 5-10 years
- People who confused about their dream, is it really their dream or not
- People who don't have a dream at all

Its really interesting. I am really thinking about this. I was calling my dad last week and said i have a new dream and i really want to be it, really. But now, i am thinking about it again, and again. 

While, one of my friends talking to me last week, she said, she felt empty now, she just doing what she have to do without any feeling of it. 

Luckily, professor told us how to find our dream..

First of all, read a book. You need to read a lot of book and get an inspiration from the book.
Second, travelling around. Experiencing so many things is very important in order to find what you like the most.
Third, communicating with people, even with strangers. 
Forth, write a diary. Learning from the past, try to look back and learning.
Fifth, help people who need your help.
And last, love, love the other people around you.

After i am thinking for a while, all of this things are correct. I find my dream after doing all of this things. This professor is really genius. I really text my friends about this and we started to talking about our dreams again.

Thank you Professor for your lecture today, i really really enjoy it.
So i made this post in order to helping all of my friends out there to find their dreams.
Dare to dreaming guys, its free!!!

Fall? Or its winter already?

Its getting cooler and cooler here everyday in Seoul. Now the temperature even drop to minus in the morning, what should i do? Last week its still above 0, but now, its exactly 0 or even below 0. Kinda use to it now, but still its cold. Even Sarah told me that its already snowing in US, congrats!!

The biggest question in my head is..
What should i wear than?

In Indonesia, even wearing the short sleeve shirt and short pants can make you wet of sweat, but now, even if i am wearing such a tick jacket or coat with sweater and also double jeans and legging, i am still freezing...

Some of my Korean friends told me, because of the global warming and environmental change, winter in Korea becoming very long and also the temperature is very extreme. I have to prepare my self. Go go shopping lol. They told me to wear extra warm clothes, because i am catch a cold in the first week of fall, and they judge me that i am really weak with temperature change hahaha. They are right by the way. 

My skin also becoming worst. Its become really dry and itchy. Hiks my face, ottokhe?? And also, i feel really hungry all the time. This is bad, really bad.

So, i am wearing a sweater everyday, so i made the fall/winter sweater photo collection for you guys (okay its a little bit narsis, but i just really like it. Since i am actually really like to wear sweater and it makes me sweating a lot in Jakarta or even in Bandung, but here, i am okay if i wear it.

Sweater choha choha hehe. I am no longer can use it now, i always wear a coat as the finishing touch. Its freaking freezing now!! All of this pic was taken before i go to class, sooooo... yeah hahaha. That's it! I will update more when i have a lots of winter coat already (never happen, its too expensive for me). I'll update more, maybe today or tomorrow, because there are so many post waiting to be publish in my draft. Yes i am still writing but sometimes i didn't finish it so its stuck in my draft. Be careful, i'll be flooding this blog hehehe.

See you later in the future,

Zoo, its Seoul Zoo!!

Hello there,
I made this post out of my boredom (gak inget punya tugas len?).  Actually, i really miss my travelling partner here. I am going anywhere mainly alone here but yeah gwencanayo~.

So, at November 9 i made a really cool date with my neighbor and my class partner in crime Fifi, where? Zoo, we are going to Seoul Zoo at Seoul Grand Park. Oke pegel pake bahasa inggris, swich language hahaha..

Basically (lah balik ke bahasa inggris) hari itu kita tadinya mau jalan-jalan random ke Gangnam, since both of us really like to walking anywhere, but...... there is nothing to do in Gangnam beside club and overprice cafe. So, we decided to go to Seoul Zoo. Ngeliat weather forecast katanya bakalan hujan di sore hari kita pergi pagi jam 10, sebelum hujan turun. Udaranya mendung mengundang tapi suhu udara masih diatas 10 alhamdulillah.

Perjalanan cukup jauh, okay itu jauh banget, lebih dari 10 stop actually. Since daeheung ada diatas Hangang dan Seoul Zoo berada dibawah Hangang, deket SNU, cuma 2 stop dari SNU, atau 3 ya? Pokoknya deket dari SNU.

Harga tiketnya bersahabat banget, cuma 3000won. Konsep Zoo nya 11/12 sama ragunan, tapi jangan coba bandingin, karena ragunan akan kalah telak jauuuuuuh!! Seperti biasa namanya Seoul suka banget sama gunung, di kebun binatang ini juga ada track untuk hiking.

Salutnya sama Korea, mereka bener-bener memperhatikan segala hal. Kebun binatang ini kelewat luas, sehingga mereka ngasih coloring line di jalanan, setiap warna mewakili trip apa yang mau kita ambil, hewan apa aja yang mau kita liat. Waktu gue kesana suasananya masih bener-bener Fall, semua pohon kuning dan merah, bener-bener pemandangan indah. Kalau mau ke Seoul, sangat disarankan pas Fall, sekitar akhir oktober.

Gue dan Fifi semacam anak kecil yang jiwanya terkurung dalam badan orang dewasa. Lari sana lari sini, pegang ini pegang itu, ketawain badak yang seenak jiwa poop tepat didepan muka kita sampe akhirnya kita hiking ke atas gunung dan dapet pemandangan yang ga akan pernah gue dapet di Indonesia.

Badaknya poop haduuuuuuh~

Super beautiful river inside the zoo

We made it, we're in the top of the hill yey!!

Pretty right??

Senengnya lagi jalan-jalan di Korea adalah no one care of what are you doin, really. Terserah deh mau jungkir balik mau gelundungan mau bengong mau ngapain juga terserah bebas. Mau foto gaya apa kek, mau ciuman dimana kek, no one paying attention.

Fifi petting the animals, me?? I am afraid of them actually hahahaha

Kayak di photoshop yah, but its really amazing scenery

Breathtaking scenery up hill

Fasilitasnya daebak disini. Kamar mandi? Gampang ditemui dimana-mana, dan bersih tentunya. Banyak juga semacam saung buat istirahat. Tempat makan banyak, tukang jajanan juga banyak, dan gak over price semacem jajanan dan tempat makan di dalem taman hiburang di Indonesia. Gue beli churros dan peanut butter ojingo (which is my favorite snack here) dengan harga yang wajar dan dimana-mana emang segitu harganya. Kebun binatang ini juga nyediain free shuttle bus kalo kita capek, bus stopnya dibagi per area, jd kalo mau pindah area yang cukup jauh kita bisa naik bus. 

Selain itu, kita bisa juga naik skylift, yang kakinya gelantungan, semacam di tempat sky. Tapi karena itu bayar (gak mahal sebenernya, gak sampe 5000won) dan angin hari itu cukup kenceng beserta gerimis, gue dan Fifi memutuskan untuk naik itu nanti aja kapan-kapan. 

Di Seoul Grand Park ini gak cuma ada Zoo aja loh, tepat di depan Zoo ada Flower Garden yang gue dan Fifi yakin saat itu bunganya udah layu karena udah masuk deep in the fall. Selain itu ada theme park kecil juga, dan tiket masuknya sangat amat terjangkau. Kalau mampir di Seoul, tempat ini bisa jadi alternatiflah apalagi kalau bawa anak kecil.

Dari gerebang utama seoul grand park menuju Zoo kita bisa naik bus dengan biaya 1000won, tapi sesungguhnya untuk ukuran di Korea, jaraknya cukup dekat, kira-kira 10 menit jalan kaki. While naik shuttle bus, its only takes like 1 or 2 minutes.

Where: Seoul Grand Park station, Line 4, exit no.2
How Much: Zoo 3000won/person, Shuttle bus from main gate to Zoo 1000won/person