30 December 2008

what holiday means ( for me )

hai hello there,
today i try to explain what holiday means for me
heheheheee .
okay, for me holiday means the time when we don't have to study, thinking about homework, school projects, examination and all kind of something that can make us stressful
so, holiday is the time to refresh our brain,
in this case perhaps we can do shoping, get a trip to the other city, sleepover, hangout or just drink a glass of coffee and laughing together with our best friends ..
And this holiday, my family and i spend our time and has a trip to Yogyakarta and Garut
we went there for a week ( a week full of happiness )
we got some walk to the history place and also shoping
heheheee ..
Garut was the beautiful city with all kind local people and fresh air
because that city was in the top of the mountain (sorry i forgot the name) so, the air was soo cold and also fresh,
they has the local craft such as Garutan batik and bag or jacket or shoes made from animal skin

that was my reaport about this holiday
i hope you enjoy it

yeyy ..

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